Baked a Swedish Caraway Bread: Not exactly sure what makes it necessarily 'Swedish'. There are several things leading me away from any solid conclusions.
- According to Googlebox, caraway in Swedish is actually "kummin" while cumin is "spiskummin", from the Swedish word "spisa".
- It did have orange rind (carefully skinned off the orange to avoid the icky white part that makes the peel taste like battery acid) but again, not all that commonly associated with the Swedes. Having said that, the Swedes do have a thing called the Vortlimpa, which has orange peel and caraway but also fennel and anise so maybe my loaf was a poor cousin to the Vortlimpa, which I think if my geography is right would make me Iceland.
- The bread was dense. Really dense, which is another reason why it can't be Swedish, because as we all know, Swedes are smart nuts.
Baked Buttermilk Bread
- Not sure how it turned out but I did run a loaf of it around to a friend's place and am currently using them as my crash test dummy. Upon delivery in a pretty pink tea towel I departed with the express orders that if it tasted horrible just to chuck it in the bin. Hopefully it doesn't dent the bin.
- This is kind of top secret but I'll give you a hint, it's a duck recipe that takes three days to prepare and cook. Today was the first part, the marinade and the de-boning of the duck. Not hard at all really.
- Yep, like I said, today was a busy day in the kitchen. All the prep work is done for both these dishes except for the crusting (is that an adjective?) of the salmon which I will do just before I launch it fins first into the oven. You want to make sure the freshly ground coriander seeds are at their freshest, which is generally when they come out of the pestle.
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