Sorry to be overly dramatic but I just don't trust rabbits. To prove my case, I offer you the following examples or Rabbits of

Alba the "glowing" rabbit: Artist Eduardo
Kac created Alba with the use of green
fluorescent protein so that under UV lights, it would glow
iridescent green. The truth of the matter is Alba is nuclear powered and despite the fact these kinds of rabbits are banned in most countries the world has not fully come down hard enough on them. Down right creepy and potentially what Iran is planning with their nuclear "program".

Little Bunny Foo Foo: Here is rabbit that, according to the rhyme at least, went

about the forest bashing mice on the head. Yeah that's real cute. If you are considering writing a
dissertation on the origins of bullying then you would be well versed to check it out (I have also sourced a
video version of the rhyme just in case the words aren't vivid enough).

Believe the hype and fear the jackalope. A cross between an antelope and a jack rabbit, the
jackalope has already claimed the lives of 23 people in Wyoming, a baptist minister in Omaha and Michael Jackson last month. Only one person has survived a
jackalope attack but they were so shocked by the death in its eyes that no-one has been able to garner just how they did it.

4. The Killer Rabbit of
Caerbannog: If it wasn't for the brilliant documentary Monty Python and the Holy Grail, we might never have heard of this rabbit of
DOOOOOOOOOOOOM. Don't take my word for it,
watch the section of the documentary for yourself. Not sure if it was on
NatGeo or Discovery.
5. The Energizer Bunny: Kids, this is a public service announcement -- DON'T DO DRUGS. The final in our Rabbits of
DOOOOOOM section is proof that long-term use of amphetamines, as seen here on your left, is bad for you. Not only will you think it cool, nay necessary to wear dark sunglasses everywhere, you will also think it "cool" to wear flip-flops every day, even to work. Kids, that is NOT cool. Have some respect for yourself and get off the gear.
You really don't like rabbits